What's the Right Number for you?

Deciding how many cloth diapers your family needs will vary based on a few different factors. Take our short quiz to find out where your reusable diaper stash sweet spot is.

Impacts of Diaper Collection Size

There are many factors that will impact the number of reusable diapers you choose to have for your children. The child's age and how often you plan to wash diapers are the two most important factors to consider when deciding how many cloth diapers you will need.

Our quiz gathers information about your lifestyle and circumstances to provide you with an ideal stash size number.

Factors Affecting How Many Cloth Diapers You Will Need:

Several factors influence the number of cloth diapers you'll need to use reusable diapers for your baby or toddler:

  • Baby's Age: Newborns require more frequent diaper changes than older babies. The older your child is, the less cloth diapers you will need to have on hand.
  • Washing Frequency: How often you plan to do cloth diaper laundry will also affect the number of diapers you'll need on hand. The more days you go between washes, the more diapers you will need.
  • Diaper Style: Different types of cloth diapers (pocket, all-in-one, prefolds, etc.) may influence how many you need. If you're looking for the most agile system, covers might work best for you.
  • Budget: Your family's financial constraints may impact how many diapers you are able to purchase upfront.
  • Full-Time vs. Part-Time Use: Whether you choose to use cloth diapers exclusively or part-time will also affect the number of diapers you need to have on hand.

Cloth Diapering Multiples

Whether you have triplets or just two under two, cloth diapering multiples can be really advantageous for families—especially those who are looking for ways to save money.

Cloth diapers are able to be shared among siblings. This allows families the opportunity to have a more agile cloth diaper collection.

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What if I don't want to cloth diaper full time?

One of the best things about cloth diapering is that it can be fully customizable to meet your family's unique needs. Many families are either not able to, or simply do not want to use cloth diapers 100% of the time. This is considered part-time cloth diapering and is more common than you might expect.

Part-time cloth diapering offers families the flexibility to choose how and when they use cloth diapers. Cloth diapering does not need to be all or nothing.